The New iPhone 12 & iPhone 12 Pro Colours

So much goes into the launch of a new iPhone. While a large part of it is spent on flashy presentations explaining tech jargon that few people understand, one of the biggest announcements their colour. The new iPhone 12, and iPhone 12 Pros were announced this week and with them came new colours including 'Pacific Blue.'
Remember when fans couldn't get enough of iPhone's Rose Gold? A soft, subtle pink shade with golden tones it didn't just become the colour of your phone, but a part of your lifestyle with rose gold everything suddenly available including clothing and lattes. While the colour of phones are important I find that they don't matter too much as ultimately for their safety and longevity it's best to keep them in a phone case. In doing so the colour is barely noticeable and more importantly, you can truly represent your own personality by choosing a cover that you actually want whether it's a tartan wallet case or giant plastic object (I swap between a huge pair of rubbery lips and a rainbow case by Kitty Joseph.)
But let's put cases to the side for now. I'm chatting iPhone 12 colours here.
So what are the shades they come in?
iPhone 12 mini & iPhone 12 come in classic black and white and also red, mint and blue.
But if you want a blue that's flashier than just blue then there's 'Pacific Blue' a shade that's only available for the iPhone 12 Pro and the iPhone 12 Pro Max. These models are also available in silver, graphite and gold - yep, metallic shiny shades to reflect that these models are more expensive.

But what is this new 'Pacific Blue?' Well the name is pretty spectacular. It's not exclusive to iPhone though it may be branded that way. 'Pacific Blue' was the name of a Virgin owned airline company that flew to New Zealand and the name was officially created by crayon company Crayola.
As an iPhone colour it has a sense of sophistication, a dark, metallic navy shade that looks good in photos and it a genderless shade (while rose gold was very much targeted towards women.) I personally think it's a very positive move to have this as their new signature colour because it will entice people away from the safeness of black without it being garish or looking 'cheap.' Sure from a distance it just looks dark and could be mistaken as black, but it's actually a very smart colour for a smart phone. Not that I'll be getting one anytime soon!
I'm on a three year contract with an iPhone 7+ and I've still got a year to go. From the choices though I'd probably go for red or mint ,and as I mentioned would hide it under a case in any case!